A school leader’s guide to personalized learning
November 30, 2017 |I recently caught up with Mary Ann Wolf, PhD, Elizabeth Bobst and Nancy Mangum to discuss some of the key takeaways of their new book, Leading Personalized and Digital Learning: A Framework for Implementing School Change. The authors offer guidance for principals and other school leaders who are aiming to leverage the power of technology […]
Blended Beyond Borders
November 14, 2017 |DOWNLOAD PAPER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the past two decades, technology use in schools has surged worldwide. The open question remains, however, as to how exactly the rise in technology correlates with fundamental shifts in teaching, learning, and student outcomes. Although this report touches on a number of school-based efforts to implement edtech, we focus on […]
Evolving beyond full-time virtual: A Q&A with District 49’s Andy Franko
May 24, 2017 |In 2009, District 49, a suburban school district in Colorado Springs, launched a virtual high school to offer a flexible learning option for alternative students. Since then, however, the district has adapted the program to a blended learning environment that provides students with face-to-face support throughout their learning process. Today, the district’s iZone Connect program […]
What’s the difference between blended and personalized learning?
April 25, 2017 |Earlier this month, after two exhilarating and exhausting days at the Blended and Personalized Learning Conference in Providence, R.I., (which we cohosted with our partners at Highlander Institute and The Learning Accelerator), I boarded an evening flight back to D.C. Just after takeoff, a school principal from Virginia seated in the row just ahead […]
5 Tips for Getting Blended Learning Right
March 21, 2017 |When implementing a blended learning model, it is important for schools to be aware of key components and steps to integrate into their plan. In “Five Tips for Getting Blended Learning Right,” hosted by edWeb.net and sponsored by Achieve3000, Julia Freeland Fisher, Director of Education at the Clayton Christensen Institute, gave schools the tips they […]
Are teachers truly ‘shifting away from the Station Rotation model?’
February 15, 2017 |Late last year, we published a blog post on new evolutions on top of the Station Rotation blended-learning models that we’d been hearing about from educators on our Blended Learning Universe (BLU). Our friends at Education Elements didn’t agree fully with the way we characterized these shifts. In the spirit of healthy debate, we sat […]