This is the second piece on this topic. For part one, click here. “We make sure we know who our students are.” Kathryn Procope, Principal of Howard University Middle School for Math and Science (MS)², is committed to meeting each family whose child enrolls in her school. “We find out about their concerns, and what […]
Finding the Right Blended Learning Solution
July 24, 2019 |
This post originally appeared in The 74 million. There’s almost no escaping the presence of technology in classrooms. Now that 1:1 technology initiatives are widespread, schools are at risk of jumping on the bandwagon without a core purpose for technology integration. Tech-rich environments in themselves are not always negative, but they also don’t necessarily transform […]
4 skills essential for effective blended teaching
July 16, 2019 |
By Charles R. Graham, Jered Borup, Leanna Archambault, Cecil R. Short Our research team, comprised of researchers from Brigham Young University, George Mason University, and Arizona State University, has spent the past several years exploring a timely question: What skills are needed to be an effective teacher in a blended classroom? The exploration began in earnest […]
Can blended learning be culturally responsive?
July 11, 2019 |
In today’s classrooms, students are no longer considered “empty vessels.” Educators recognize that they are already full, and have a lot to offer. This is the core assumption embedded within “culturally responsive teaching”, which has become a rising priority in schools. In short, the theory of culturally responsive teaching, sometimes called culturally relevant practices (CRP), is […]
“Going blended” is about more than just technology—it’s about rethinking instruction and effectively managing innovation over time. While that can seem daunting, the Christensen Institute’s Blended Learning Universe (BLU) has a research-driven design guide to support educators as they build (and refine) their blended-learning programs. This guide can be adopted by teachers striving to implement […]
Many in the education innovation space are thinking about high school redesign to better reflect students’ 21st century learning needs. Initiatives like the XQ Super School project and the Department of Education’s Next Generation High Schools have accelerated a national conversation on reimagining the high school experience to include “real-world” learning components as well as […]